I trust Christine Horn! She has a talent that is innovative, edgy and intelligent. As an actress, vocalist, and business woman her skill set has continued to keep her relevant and working in the entertainment industry! I can always count on her advice when it comes to auditions and casting calls!
I look forward to those auditions where I can call Christine and dive in! She helps work out deeper layers and perspectives that incredibly raise the stakes of any scene. Meanwhile, with her having so much first hand experience, I'm constantly learning something about the industry, and techniques in on-camera auditions, self-marketing, and networking that are excellent! She's extremely giving in the quality and time she provides to make each audition its best, and I leave feeling very confident in the work we've done together.
Christine Horn is a phenomenal woman! She's a consummate artist, business woman and all around beautiful person. She aided me in nurturing the talents I possess to another level, that I couldn't imagine. I'm a serious vocalist but my encounter and journey with Christine, expanded my creativity and inspired me to let my light shine in everything I do!
Anyone and I mean ANYONE, who is in need of a professional, passionate, and allllll in coach that truly cares about your success....get with Ms. Christine Horn NOW!!!!! I have gained an abundance of knowledge and understanding since coaching with Ms. Horn. She is a no foolishness, no nonsense, give it to you like it is, but all done in LOVE💜 LOVE HER! Talk to her and book her today! You owe it to yourself.
Multi-talented. Laser-focused. Driven. Compassionate. Accepts no excuses. These attributes are what make Christine Horn the dynamic performer, successful businesswoman, and exceptional coach that she is. Christine has provided me with skillful guidance, facilitating my transition from the stage to the big and small screens. I am forever grateful!
Christine's work as an actress is impeccable. Research of character, being present, & passion for craft are key elements in becoming an Independent professional artist. Allow Miss Horn to guide you through your journey.
Christine is an AMAZING Life Coach who has personally helped me to rediscover my career passions and has challenged me to discover ways to prioritize, organize and follow through with everyday tasks. She had me set long and short term goals and gave me tasks to complete which were discussed through our bi-weekly coaching calls. I felt my spirit, my mind and my dreams reignited after every session! I have accomplished SO much through my coaching with Christine that I am rediscovering myself, achieving my dreams and am motivated to be more productive! THE BEST investment that I could have given myself! Thank you Christine!
Christine is a sweet and thoughtful woman who’s inspired me to transform one of the most important areas of my life; my health. She always shares her perspective without judgment and a beautiful lightheartedness that’s easy to digest. I will forever be grateful for the influence she’s had on my life.
Watching Christine Horn on television, in movies, on Broadway, or in concert is a true treat to any who witnesses. The information she has shared with me over the years has benefited me in more ways than I can count, and has directly lead to my booking a national commercial for The Athletes Foot, as well as other local commercials, and local theater.